Preparing for Kindergarten
When your child enters school for the first time, you want the experience to be a happy one.
Your child’s teacher shares this desire with you. You can help your child by taking these steps:
Adopt a regular bedtime – make sure your child receives an adequate amount of sleep.
Provide your child with a good breakfast or lunch before school.
Talk in complete sentences while pronouncing words correctly.
If your child walks to school, plan the safest way for him/her to go. Children who ride the bus will receive help from the driver. You may want to try a practice trip to and from school with your child before the first day of class. It is important they recognize where they get off the bus.
Encourage your child to do things for themselves.
Read to your child daily.
Provide your child plenty of opportunities to use pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue.
Label everything your child will be bringing to school or wearing to school including hats, coats, mittens, sweaters and sweatshirts.