School Meals Information

Applications are available at _

Eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch is based on federal income guidelines or participation in other programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Ohio Works First. For additional information concerning the National School Lunch Program, please see the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s school lunch question and answer webpage. 



Available at all buildings at the beginning of the school day.

Breakfast is FREE for all students. 


Elementary Lunch - $3.00
High School Lunches - $3.25
Reduced Lunch- Free
Extra Milk- $0.75
Adult Lunch- $4.00

Ohio will continue it's pilot program through the 24-25 school year, allowing reduced applications to receive free lunch.

Payschools Central

Welcome to PaySchools Central!

Our District has selected the PaySchools Central payment portal for parents.

Now you can pay for your children's school lunches, fees, field trips, registrations, and more online, securely and quickly.

1. Create your account using your computer or tablet at:

2. If you want to use your phone, download the PaySchools Central app on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

3. Complete account registration by selecting register, entering your profile details, setting up your password via the email link we will send you, then logging in.

4. Add your children to your account using their student ID numbers.

5. If you'd like, enter credit card and/or banking information as forms of payment to use with your PaySchools account, or simply plan to use guest checkout when the time comes.

6. Manage school payments with ease.

Now You Can:

* Manage all your children's accounts and fees in one place!

* Set up auto-replenish to automatically refill lunch accounts when thy're running low.

* Set up reminders and alerts

Review your children's purchases.

*Handle payments 24/7, at your convenience, on any device.

Rest assured that PaySchools is PCI-compliant and maintains industry-standard SSL certificates, ensuring all your family's data is safe and secure.

Charge Policy

Marietta City Schools will allow a child to charge a meal in the event that the child forgets his/her lunch money. Please set-up an account in the system to view your child’s balance and purchases in order limit your child from having to charge.

Point of Sale Software

Food services operates under a Point of Sale (POS) system, which means EVERY student at Marietta High School must type in their student ID number (PIN) in order to purchase any items. For all students in the elementary buildings we have implemented a finger scanning process (see below). Under POS, each student has an account and the correct amount is removed (debited) from the account when the child purchases an item. Parents are encouraged to send money in the form of checks to be placed on student accounts or on our on-line payment system ( Please place the child’s name or PIN number in the memo portion of the check. All money left on the account at the end of the school year, stays with the student and will transfer to the next grade.

Menus and Offerings

In all elementary buildings there is a choice of three main entrees (peanut butter and jelly sandwich is available as an entrée every day); fresh and canned fruits; fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables; and 1% milk are offered daily on the Lunch lines. 

In the high school building, there is a choice of either the main entrée, pizza, grill, and deli per day; fresh and canned fruits; fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables; and skim milk are offered daily on the Lunch lines. Every student should “Build-a-Lunch”; choose a main entrée and then bundle it with two sides and milk for the price of a lunch. This option is open to all students including those in the Free & Reduced Lunch program.

Marietta High School have some ala carte lunch items available. The High School offers baked and low-fat ala carte items, as well as whole grain cookies at various prices. Please see each individual building for more information.

MHS January Menu Week 1

MHS January Menu Week 2

MHS January Menu Week 3

MHS January Menu Week 4

MES/Washington/Phillips Lunch Menu

MES Breakfast Menu

Washington/Phillips Breakfast

National Programs


Marietta City Schools participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast program. Some students may qualify for free or reduced-priced meals. Applications are available in each office and on the Food Services section on the website.

Marietta City Schools follows the Offer versus Serve policy sponsored by the USDA. Offer vs. Serve is intended to decrease waste and costs by allowing students to refuse up to two components in a lunch and one component in a breakfast. The lunch components consist of a meat/meat alternative (cheese, beans or yogurt), grain (bread, rice, or noodles), vegetable, fruit, and milk. The breakfast components consist of an entrée, fruit/juice and milk. All students are required to take a fruit or vegetable when buying a lunch. 


Currently we offer breakfast to all students at Marietta City School students. Breakfast is free to all Marietta City School students.

Special Dietary Needs and Food Allergies

Food Service is happy to accommodate students with special dietary needs and food allergies within our abilities. Students must provide written medical documentation from the treating physician in order to provide for this accommodation. This documentation must include, but is not limited to, a statement of the allergy, what dietary changes from the traditional school meal are necessary, what specific foods must be omitted or substituted and what dietary items can be used to replace the items. This documentation should be given to the school nurse. 

We are unable to substitute any item for milk according to the USDA and the Ohio Department of Education [USDA Final Rule Fluid Milk Substitutions in the School Nutrition Program (73 FR 52903)]. We will provide a cup and water to any student that asks, as well as sell bottled water and juice cups a la carte.


If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail: 

Patrick Snider, Resident Director,
Donna Teer, AVI/Office Manager,

Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. mail:
     U.S. Department of Agriculture
     Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
     1400 Independence Avenue, SW
     Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or

  2. fax:
     (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or

  3. email:

 This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Free & Reduced Family Meal Application

Payschools Central

Employment Information

Food Service Employment

Please go to the above link to apply for a job with the Food Service Dept. of Marietta City Schools.

Allergy Form

Food Allergy Form

If your student has a food allergy, download this form fill it out and return it to your school cafeteria.

Carb Counts

Elementary Finger Scanning

Wellness Policy

AVI Newsletters & Snack Tips